My single parent

 Growing up as a kid I never experience a father love not even once or twice but thanks to mother a single parent who stood by me with confident in the days like suicide . She provide she love she care and she taught me never to loose my trust in God.

Sometimes I feel like going wayward I forget the teaching of my mother I was pressured by friends environment what I see what I watch and what I hear

It makes me want to live a life outside my mother's teaching . Inside of me is the thought between good and evil . Whenever I do good things I could see the happiness in her action she is proud of me . The moment I do bad things her sacrifice made tears roll from my eyes I would not look at her face cause I am dissapointed in myself.

They say father will scold you when ever you try bad stuff but my mother will talk me out she never gave up on me she makes me understand she makes me feel special

At that moment I realized I have to be perfect for her and to keep my head straight remembering every single lesson I meant from her so that I can make her proud and be successful in life . So all the struggle like suicide she will remember no more

Me there is no point in arguing when I hear people say a father is better than a mother I just shook my head cause I no the answer.

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