What do you see

One day I and my friend we we’re sitting together discussing and we came across this word “what do you see” I ask them “what do you see” the first one told me nothing. The second told me trees and cars and so on

I bet they didn’t understand the question I was asking them then I said to them what you see is not what you feel with your naked eye,it is what your mind feel about your environment you are

Then when I talk about environment I mean the kind of energy that your environment is feeding on from one person to another person to another person to another person so on so on . So the question is “what do you see “.

In this our daily life we see so many things like division competition impatient untrustworthy kindness help on- helping back fear lack of value dishonest hate urge for money and so on.

But you see the ability to see more than wrongs and possible makes you different.

The capacity of what you see is the capacity of your brain the point is what your brain don’t know you don’t know

“The more you see is the more you go the more you go the more your become more open”

You have the capacity to improve your brain by your brain. I just began to think Michael Faraday Albert eisten to mention few did not go to school but they use their brain to see more than possible

So how do you see more how do you boast your brain more than incapability of seeing beyond impossible 1allow your brain to think infact use your brain more than your mouth keeping thinking until you get what you want and when you start thinking have

faiththat your mind is worth more than you think like you can do it lack of self confidence this is where it start when you don’t believe in your abilities 

One thing about imagination they seems real imagine it is very very real 3 express it make it  real work on it working aspect as to be hard work so to achieve what you want then

4 spend moretime on it the more time you spend on it the more you see the more you see the more it becomes real keep talking about it ask questions make reasearch 

The last thing to do is a big step put all your practice to work then you will be chock by the result infact this seem the most important of all https://mrmichaelcom.wordpress.com   

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